PADP wishes to inform you about several items of interest, as well as a few important opportunities to get involved with our work!
· On Monday August 17, 2010, the state House Judiciary Committee will be holding a public hearing concerning Senate Bill 628. This important piece of legislation prohibits the use of the death penalty in cases of mental retardation. Though PADP is an abolitionist organization, we believe that while the death penalty is still in practice, it should be applied as fairly and as infrequently as possible. SB628 will protect mentally handicapped defendants from an inhumane form of punishment, and we need your help! We must show our state legislators that we support this bill, and that they should as well! The meeting will be at 10am, in room G50 of the Irving Office in the state Capitol.
· PADP is announcing a fund-raising challenge to its constituents! An anonymous donor has offered to match dollar-for-dollar every donation which is gained from our phone-drive. This means that for every dollar you donate to PADP, your total is, in actuality, doubled! So please give generously, it is only with your help that PADP can continue to work for equality, humanity and morality in our state.
· PADP is also offering several volunteer leadership opportunities. We are seeking a Local Group Leader, a Student Coordinator, and an Online Coordinator. These positions are invaluable to the success of our cause. Without the ability to mobilize our community in support of abolition, our voices will fall on deaf ears! For more information about the positions please visit:, or email
· Our Facebook page has simplified it's URL, and can now be found at:, and our Twitter page is @padp_org!
Keep checking back for more updates!